Christmas at Estelle's Read online

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  His smiling face flashed in Leira's head. She heard his voice in her head, cracking a joke and reminding her that she was among friends and to take her hands off her gun. She smiled at the thought as her eyes glistened. He would love this.

  "I love it," she shouted. She made her way over to the tree and hugged each one of them, doing her best to balance on the crutches and leaning into the hug.

  "You love it? A hug! Okay, I can do that." Craig looked surprised as Mike gave a shrug and shook his head.

  "I told you this was a good idea," said Kimberly as she nudged Mitzi in the ribs. Mitzi pulled a tissue out of her sleeve and wiped her eyes. "We should have done this sooner."

  The knocks at the door started and didn't stop as the guests kept piling into the little guest house till they had to leave the door open. Everyone from the Jackalope came with Toni leading the charge carrying a platter of salami and mozzarella.

  "I got the invite and left the bartender in charge tonight." Jack was smiling broadly as he carried in two cases of beer from Adelbert's Brewery. "How about I set these in the kitchen? There's more on the way."

  "You know, I have beer." Estelle stood in the doorway as everyone froze. The smoke swirling up from her cigarette partially hid her face.

  "I think I just peed a little." Mike did his best to steady himself putting a hand out against the wall.

  "I could make diamonds right now," said Craig, clutching a handful of tinsel.

  "Well, come on. Let's get this party started. Did somebody forget the music? Lucky for you people, ya'll have me." Estelle smiled as she squeezed one eye shut from the smoke and pushed a button on a remote control. The sound of Michael Buble singing, Santa Claus is Coming to Town filled the patio. "Now, it's a party. Give me one of those beers, Jack."

  "Estelle, you bring those wings?"

  Jim and Molly did a slow waltz around the room. Don leaned in toward Eireka and whispered, "That looks like a pretty good idea." Eireka smiled and put out her hands as Don waltzed her outside to the patio. Mara followed them out and no one noticed as she made her way out the gate and down the block.

  Leira made her way to the couch and slowly sat down as she watched everyone laughing and talking, the noise level picking up till it was hard to hear. Someone handed her a beer and she took a swig, smiling at the party she finally managed to throw in her house, even if she had nothing to do with any of it.

  She glanced over at the tree and spotted the troll sitting among the branches tucked back against the trunk. She was about to go rescue him when she saw Hagan pushing his way into the party. He was carrying a stack of pink boxes from Voodoo Donuts.

  Hagan made his way over to the couch and sat down as Craig relieved him of the boxes but not before Hagan reached in and pulled out a kruller.

  "How'd you hear about this party?" Leira pulled off a piece of his kruller and popped it in her mouth.

  "Yumfuck sent me a text. It was too strange to miss. Wasn't sure it wasn't a ploy to get me to bring donuts but as long as I get a few, win win. Besides, with you down there hasn't been a lot to do and Rose is pretty tired of seeing my mug around the house all day. Seemed like a good time for a visit. Where is the little guy? Keeping a low profile?"

  "Sort of. Look closer at all the ornaments on the tree." Leira hooked a thumb in the direction of the tree.

  Hagan peered more closely, squinting till he spotted the furry five-inch troll. "Think I can make his party a little better. Hang on." Hagan hoisted himself off the couch and went to stand near the tree, acting as if he was admiring the ornaments as he pushed a piece of the kruller onto the branch near the troll. He gave the troll a wink as Yumfuck blew him a kiss with his tiny paw and licked the piece of donut.

  Hagan went and sat back down next to Leira.

  "I think you've found a new best friend. Should I be worried?" Leira gave Hagan a crooked smile.

  Hagan feigned surprise and pressed his hand against his chest. "Am I your best friend? Your life may not be what you hoped. Come on, we all know that tall, blonde and pointy is your best friend. I'm your favorite partner. No, no protests. That's the title I want. We catch the bad guys together." He leaned in closer and whispered, "Even the magical badasses." Hagan took a look around the party as his eyebrows went up. "You know, I've been to my share of parties in my day. Even Christmas ones that lend a certain amount of good cheer to them but I don't think I've ever seen a friendlier bunch having such a good time and so early into the booze. You got a good vibe, Berens. I'm not surprised. It was buried underneath all that hard ass all these years. Nice to see it coming through." Toni passed through the living room, handing Hagan a beer as she did, waving at Leira.

  "It's been quite a year." Hagan held up his bottle as Leira clinked hers against it.

  "It's been quite a year, alright. What's amazing is we're almost all here to still talk about it."

  "Amen to that." Hagan took a long drink from his beer as he remembered all the close calls that year. "Some epic battles and one very special family put back together. Helluva year."


  Mara hurried back down the sidewalk hoping the party was still in full swing. She had only been gone for a few hours on the Earth side of things and not too much longer over on Oriceran. There was something she needed to do that was going to be her Christmas gift to her granddaughter. A smile spread across her face as she almost broke into a run, her long dark hair swaying down her back, held together by a large silver clip with an O carved in the center.

  She could hear the party before she even got to the gate. Mariah Carey was blaring over the loudspeakers as she got to the patio that was packed so tightly with people that Mara had to work her way through the crowd. "I guess you wait years to throw your first party, no one wants to miss it. Good for you, Leira."

  Mara finally made her way to the door of the guest house and back to Leira who was still perched on the couch, a plate of food in her lap.

  "Nana! I was wondering where you were. Thought you might have met someone."

  "Honey, that's not out of the realm of possibilities but I wouldn't miss my granddaughter's first real party."

  Leira paused with the beer almost at her lips and thought about it. "Fuck, I think you're right. This is my first party. I guess I'm officially a grownup now. Hey, where have you been?" Leira gave her a broad, loopy smile. Mara knit her brows together, about to say something but brushed it off. "How many beers is that? Never mind, I have something for you."

  "A Christmas present? It's not quite Christmas Day."

  "You can have this one early." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a Polaroid picture. It was Correk, sleeping in his bed.

  The smile faded off Leira's face as she stared at the picture.

  "He's fine, just sleeping. Getting better every day. Stronger. I had to get his friend, Ossonia to take the picture. I couldn't make it all the way to the room but..."

  Leira cut her off, throwing her arms around her grandmother, clutching the picture. "Thank you," she whispered into her grandmother's neck. "Thank you." She squeezed her tighter as she looked at the picture over Mara's shoulder. She sat back, still looking at the picture. "He's alive."

  "He's alive. Merry Christmas, Leira and thank you."

  "For what?" Leira looked up at her grandmother.

  "For all of this." She pointed at all the people in the room and out on the patio. "They're all here because of their love for you. You made a family even when your own was hard to find. You have a big heart, granddaughter. I thought it was only fair that someone help it not break. Correk is fine. Your friend will be back before you know it." Mara smiled at glanced up at the tree as two people dancing jostled the tree, sending the blue glass ornament spinning and the light dancing along the walls.

  "Hey, what is that doing on there?" Mara got up and went and looked more closely. "Well, no wonder this party is such a positive rager. Someone hung an artifact on the tree." Mara stopped it from spinning and felt the hum through her finge
rs. "This little sucker is working overtime."

  Toni stopped at Mara's elbow and laughed when she saw what Mara was touching. "That thing will be responsible for a few August babies. You know what that is, don't you? Puts out a steady stream of good wishes and a loving feeling." Toni let out another loud laugh. "Shhhh... Let's let this be our little secret. Nothing like a love hangover. May it last till the New Year and help everyone start it off with a general feeling of peace on earth and good loving toward all men."

  The troll settled down on the branch, nestled back behind a large Santa and licked the chocolate donut Hagan had brought over from the boxes in the kitchen. There was a thick smear of chocolate across his lip and a swath of chocolate across his belly as he wrestled the donut into his lap. He smiled and watched the artifact spin as Mara gave it a twirl, spreading the light all across the room and sweeping out onto the patio. "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a very good night," he said, as he opened his mouth wide and bit down into the donut. "Yum.... Fuck..."


  Author Notes - Martha Carr

  December 20, 2017

  The holidays are upon us! Keep reading to the end because I have a question for the Leira Fans…

  I took a little time off and headed back to Chicago where I’m staying with a friend. I used to live in Chicago and came back to do some Christmas, Chicago style. Somewhere along the way since I’ve been gone I forgot just how cold it can get here. I think my brain has frozen. Was sure it was Friday today until Magic Mike clued me in.

  It’s all good. I have nothing but gratitude for this life and this great year that’s coming to a close. It went by in a blur, mostly from working with Michael to build an entire Universe. It’s been almost a year since we first started talking about it. And here we are 20 books and four series later. Two more series launch in the New Year! I’m now a bestselling author too. All a long time coming and even better than I expected.

  But as I look back that isn’t even the best part. Getting to know all of you has really added joy, laughter and new connections in my life. In the end those connections are what really matters. What a gift to hear from all of you about how much joy Leira, Correk, Yumfuck, Estelle, the regulars and everyone else has brought into your life. Is there anything better for a writer than when someone writes in a review that their day was a little better because of something they read?

  Even better, this is all just the beginning… So much more to come and now the offspring, Louie has joined the team coordinating the marketing for the series. It just keeps getting better.

  So, as you celebrate the holidays with your loved ones ~ may you find peace and joy, and a lot of laughter and I’ll meet you right back here in January for Theft of Magic and more adventures to follow! All new look for Leira, more contests on the Martha Carr Facebook Fan Page as our Leira family of fans grows bigger and bigger. Another goal of mine for 2018 is to spread the word about the series… Till then, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah everyone!

  Okay, here’s the question – in 2018 I’d also like to get more involved with helping our veterans. I live in a neighborhood that has a lot of veterans and I know a lot of fans of the series are veterans too. I have a few ideas about how I might get started – like donating a Kindle a month to a disabled veteran and include the Leira Chronicles – but I’ll bet you guys have even more ideas and I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment at the group Martha Carr Fans on Facebook and let’s see what good we can do together next year and have a little fun along the way. Peace and Joy.

  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  December 18, 2017

  Thank you for reading our little Christmas spectacular!

  This is a short author note, just wishing you the best for a great Christmas season, a happy New Year and a wonderful tribe to call your own!

  Working with Martha has been a blast, and I learn each and every time I collaborate with others. But working with Martha has provided me insights into the strength and character we as human beings can attain. The challenges she has worked through are NOT short of miraculous.

  They are just miraculous, Period Effing Dot.

  So, THANK YOU, Martha, for sharing your life, your friends, your time and your efforts to building this ‘little thing’ called Oriceran, it would not have happened without you.

  I’ve learned a lot this year, and I appreciate you being there during the not so good times to help calm me down.

  That 3-foot ledge I was standing on might not have been very high, but I’m not young anymore. I could have been hurt jumping off of it.


  Ad Aeternitatem,


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  The email list will be a way to share upcoming news and let you know about giveaways and other fun stuff. The Facebook group is a way for us to connect faster – in other words, a chat, plus a way to share new spy tools, ways to keep your information safe, and other cool information and stories. Plus, from time to time I’ll share other great indie authors’ upcoming worlds of magic and adventure. Signing up for the email list is an easy way to ensure you receive all of the big news and make sure you don’t miss any major releases or updates.

  Enjoy the new adventure!

  Martha Carr and Michael Anderle 2017

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  Books by Martha Carr

  The Revelations of Oriceran

  The Leira Chronicles

  * with Michael Anderle *

  Waking Magic (1)

  Release of Magic (2)

  Protection of Magic (3)

  Rule of Magic (4)

  Dealing in Magic (5)

  The Kacy Chronicles

  * with A.L. Knorr *

  Descendant (1)

  Ascendant (2)

  The Soul Stone Mage Series

  * with Sarah Noffke *

  House of Enchanted (1)

  The Dark Forest (2)

  Mountain of Truth (3)

  Land of Terran (4)

  The Midwest Magic Chronicles

  * with Flint Maxwell *

  The Midwest Witch (1)

  The Midwest Wanderer (2)

  The Midwest Whisperer (3)

  The Fairhaven Chronicles

  * with S.M. Boyce *

  Glow (1)

  Shimmer (2)

  Ember (3)

  Leira Chronicles Short Stories

  Trick or Troll

  Christmas at Estelles

  Books by Michael Anderle

  For a complete list of Kurtherian Gambit Universe

  books please click this link.

  Kurtherian Gambit Series Titles Include:

  First Arc

  Death Becomes Her (01) - Queen Bitch (02) - Love Lost (03) - Bite This (04)

  Never Forsaken (05) - Under My Heel (06) - Kneel Or Die (07)

  Second Arc

  We Will Build (08) - It’s Hell To Choose (09) - Release The Dogs of War (10)

  Sued For Peace (11) - We Have Contact (12) - My Ride is a Bitch (13)

  Don’t Cross This Line (14)

  Third Arc (2017)

  Never Submit (15) - Never Surrender (16) - Forever Defend (17)

  Might Makes Right (18) - Ahead Full (19) - Capture Death (20)

  Life Goes On (21)

  The Second Dark Ages

  The Dark Messiah (01)

  The Darkest Night

  Darkest Before The Dawn (03)

  *with Ell Leigh Clarke*

  The Boris Chronicles

  * With Paul C. Middleton *




  Redemption 2017

  Reclaiming Honor


  Justice Is Calling (01)

  Claimed By Honor (02)

  Judgement Has Fallen (03)

  Angel of Reckoning (04)

  Born Into Flames (05)

  Defending The Lost (06)

  Saved By Valor (07)

  Return of Victory (08)

  The Etheric Academy

  * With TS PAUL *


  ALPHA CLASS - Engineering (02)

  Terry Henry “TH” Walton Chronicles


  Nomad Found (01)

  Nomad Redeemed (02)

  Nomad Unleashed (03)