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Vengeance Served Hot: An Urban Fantasy Action Adventure (Rewriting Justice Book 2) Page 13
Vengeance Served Hot: An Urban Fantasy Action Adventure (Rewriting Justice Book 2) Read online
Page 13
Another bell tolled, and Leira stood back as people scrambled around trying to find a seat. In the front car sat a young boy, his face pressed against the window as he stared into space. Even in the magical world there was still teen angst, and this boy looked about done with it all. Leira gave him a crooked smile and giggled to herself as he blushed, waving as the train began to pull off. It made her smile to see someone come out of their trance for even a moment to make a kind gesture toward others. The world had become a wild place, especially for Leira, and she was tired of always sneaking through the shadows.
She crossed her arms and glared at each passing car until the train came to the end. At the back window was a tall dark-haired wizard, and immediately Leira’s attention was drawn. She squinted at the man, who stared right back. Leira stepped forward when she remembered his face from a lineup of photos of a magicals wanted list. Leira had actually been looking for him for weeks and had all but given up the hope of ever finding him. There he stood with a chilling smirk on his face.
The wizard waved his wand and disappeared from the train car, reappearing on the tracks just inside of the tunnel. Leira slowly dodged through the crowd, making her way to the edge of the platform. He let his face show in the light for only a moment and started down the tunnel on foot. Leira knew he wanted her to follow—and it might have even been a trap, but she couldn’t just let him walk away. She draped the long linen strap of her bag across her chest as she looked both ways for oncoming trains. When the tracks were clear she jumped down into the well and started toward the tunnel one slow step at a time.
Once in the darkness, she pulled down her hood and listened for the wizard’s footsteps, but she heard nothing. The only sources of light were the crystals embedded into the walls around her, and they barely gave off enough light for her to see the ground right in front of her. She balled up her hand, feeling the energy pulsing through her already. She pointed her finger and shot a ball of light out, watching as it whizzed through, finding the ceiling above and casting a bright glow down the tunnel. At first, she didn’t see anything, but as she approached the fork in the tunnel the wizard stepped out from the shadows, twirling his cape behind him.
“Stop right there,” Leira shouted, putting her hands up. “By the power vested in me by the United States government and the Silver Griffins, I demand you lay down your wand and come with me. There are some things you need to answer for, Geiger.”
Geiger tilted his head back and let out a laugh that echoed through the tunnel, his hand perched on his flat stomach. He stared at Leira, his eyes glowing red. Leira cleared her throat and stepped closer, bringing her hands in front of her, streams of white light swirling from one to the other.
“This is not a negotiation. Come with me back to the base. If you are innocent, you have nothing to worry about.”
“Stupid bounty hunter! You think you found me by accident? I knew this would happen.”
“Sooo, what you’re sayin’ is that you are both a psychic and a wizard? Nice combination. You might have used that power to know that your corduroy pants and loafers went out of style in the 50s.”
The wizard growled loudly, slashing his wand to send a swirl of dark magic straight for Leira’s face. She could barely see the energy in the dark tunnel and ducked at the last moment, landing on her knees on the track. The sound of his laughter made her so angry she threw caution to the wind and jumped back up and ran for the man, throwing him off. She clutched him by the shoulders and drove her knee into his gut, listening to him howl in pain. The wizard threw his arm out with a yell, sending Leira flying into the center of the tracks. She pulled herself up on one knee, looking to her right as a pair of bright train lights came barreling down the track.
She jumped back to the wall and flattened herself as much as possible, and the train passed just inches from her body. As soon as the last car had passed, she sent a fireball to where the wizard had been standing. He must have been hoping to catch her by surprise as well, because their two balls of energy collided, the dark fighting against the light, the orbs growing bigger until they exploded in a cascade of sparks. Leira put her arms up and creating a shield just as he twisted his wand and shot a dozen or more darts that clinked and clanked against the white wall of light.
Leira pulled an orb and threw it as hard as she could, jumping back and dodging an oncoming blow. The wizard moved to the left, teetering on one foot as a train blew past him, his face nearly touching the cars. The last car passed and blew him back onto both feet, a singe mark on the shoulder of his cloak. He gritted his teeth and swirled his wand, stirring the dark magic in front of him. He stomped forward and slammed his foot to the ground, sending out a stream of dark light straight for Leira. Wide-eyed, she somersaulted back, landing with both arms in front of her.
Small darts shot from her fingertips, swirling in a circle as they snapped sparks from the ends. The wizard put his arms up as he attempted to use his dark magic to shield him, but the fizzing energy evaporated the dark shield and slapped against his skin. His cloak caught fire, distracting him from his offense. Leira flung fireballs at his legs as he patted the fire from his cloak and he swatted at his legs, growling in anger and gripping his wand tightly. When the fire was out he stood smoldering, his shoulders heaving. Leira raised her hands, the sound of an approaching train rattling her eardrums, and pulled as much energy through as she could. Her body levitated up on her toes as she released the magic, watching it spiraling toward him.
The passing train blew Leira’s hair wildly around her as she waited for the final takedown. However, as the last rail car passed, the wizard flicked his wand and transported himself into it. Leira whirled and watched as he stood in the window, staring at her with hate and dismay. The car disappeared around the corner leaving her standing there alone in the dark. She shook the energy from her arms, letting it quickly soak back down into the ground beneath her feet. The train was headed for Dubuque, but she didn’t have it in her to chase him down. Meeting him like that had already been a surprise she wasn’t prepared for.
Leira finally relaxed, rolling her shoulders as she strode the gravel path back toward the train platform. As she emerged into the light several of the people on the platform looked at her in shock and awe. It was obvious some had heard the battle, while others had witnessed it from passing trains. Leira could only imagine what the tunnel had looked like from there, flashes of bright light putting on a show for the spectators.
She blew the hair out of her face and looked both ways before crossing the tracks. A middle-aged wizard helped her onto the platform. Leira nodded in thanks and dusted the ashes off her clothes, realizing she was probably an absolute mess. She fixed her ponytail but there were still specks of dirt peppering her cheeks.
“You all right?” the wizard asked.
“Yeah, thanks.” She chuckled observing her train pulling up. She mumbled, “Just another day at the office. Will check you off my list later.”
The train doors slid open and Leira climbed on board, taking a seat in the back to avoid the obvious stares. She’d survived an encounter with a very powerful wizard, and she had a feeling that things like that were going to become more commonplace in her life. With the dark families pulling out the big guns and her list of targets growing larger, she figured her name was appearing more and more frequently on the dark magic kill list as well. I’m gonna have to start traveling with the troll again. My own personal bodyguard.
Leira stared out the window as the train lurched forward. She had signed up for that life, there was no denying it, and she was determined to take down every last one of those who thought dark magic should rule the planet. The gates were opening soon, and she would have to be prepared for anything.
Correk stood in the kitchen in his new button-up blue shirt and jeans that Leira had picked out for him, munching on a bag of Doritos. He glanced out the back window at the patio, remembering that he needed to start working on the broken stones if he ever had a mom
ent to spare. He looked down at his watch and rolled up the bag, sticking back on the shelf in the pantry labeled, The Light Elf. Yumfuck thought he was cute for believing a label would keep him from stealing snacks from that shelf.
“Leira, we need to get going. Yumfuck is already there,” Correk yelled as he made his way to the bedroom.
Leira stood in front of the mirror, her long dark hair cascading over her shoulders, wearing the best black shirt and jeans she could find in her closet. She had put on makeup for the first time in, well, ever and her cheeks were rosy. Correk smiled and snuck up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. He smiled at her in the mirror, finding her nerves adorable.
“They are just neighbors. You were less nervous about meeting the Queen of the Light Elves.”
“I know.” Leira put her hands down on the dresser. “But I am not living down the street from her, trying to start a life with family and friends.”
“They will love you, just like Estelle and the others do.”
“It’s not like I’m trying to replace them, but it is kind of funny.”
“What is?”
“When I lived in Austin, it took me finding out my roots, facing the dark families, and retrieving my mother and grandmother to realize I had a family all along. They were rowdy and obnoxious on more than one occasion, but they loved me for me. It’s like I have to start all over, and we both know I’m not the best at idle conversation.”
“You hooked me with your fucks and bitches.”
Leira laughed and faced Correk. “I don’t think cursing at them is going to earn their affection.”
“Just be yourself—that’s what you are best at. Now, come on… Grab the potato salad you made and let’s get over there. Yumfuck picked up fried chicken and donuts, and that is right up my alley.”
Leira smiled and nodded, kissing Correk on the cheek and heading into the kitchen to get her contribution to the evening. They strolled down the street, the setting sun casting a luminescent yellow glow over the K Street brownstones. It was a beautiful night, and it was even better because they were together and not running off to save some poor unsuspecting witch or wizard. When Leira had first received the invitation from Yumfuck for a pot-luck dinner at the apartment complex down the way she had been a bit unsure, but Yumfuck wasn’t taking no for an answer. He had found friends, and he wanted to share his family with them. She couldn’t refuse.
Correk opened the door to the complex and held it as Leira shuffled through. They walked down the hall to apartment C, and as they stood in front of the door they could hear the music playing on the other side. She took a deep breath and knocked. Here goes nothin’. Almost immediately the door flew open and a middle-aged woman with bright eyes smiled at them.
“You must be Yumfuck’s family. Come in, come in. I’m Marcy, that’s my husband Emit, and this is our home.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m Leira, and this is Correk.”
“Well, aren’t you a big hunk of hotness.” She giggled.
Correk blushed and gave a wide grin. He looked for Yumfuck, who had created a makeshift DJ booth out of a foldout table, stereo, and record player. He had a set of headphones draped over one ear and waved his hand over his head. Correk wasn’t sure if he was waving at him or to the beat of the music, but either way, he looked like he was in his element.
“He would be a killer at weddings,” Leira whispered.
Marcy escorted them to a small bar in the living room and smiled. “This is George. He is our badass bartender this evening, and over there at the card table is his wife Lily with our other neighbors, Elijah and Mary.”
Leira and Correk nodded at everyone. “I brought potato salad.”
Marcy looked down at the dish in her hands and clapped hers together. “I just love potato salad. Correk, why don’t you get some drinks and I will show Leira to the kitchen.”
“Yes, ma’am!”
Leira chuckled and followed Marcy, setting the potato salad down with the rest of the food. On a normal occasion the copious numbers of dishes would be overkill for the nine people there, but Leira knew that given the chance Correk and Yumfuck could clean house. Marcy searched for a spoon in the drawer and stuck it in the salad.
“So, Yumfuck tells me you were a cop in Austin?”
“Yeah, I was. I was a regular detective until I found out about my...err...heritage.”
“No need to skirt the words here. We’re all witches and wizards in this building.”
“Oh, good.” Leira let out a deep breath. “I worked for the feds and then Turner for a while, and now I am freelance, I guess you could call it.”
“I like that, doing things your own way. We need more people like that.”
“I have roots in Oriceran, but Earth has always been my home. I want to make sure both the magical and non-magical are protected and treated fairly.”
“Well said.” Marcy smiled. “Come on, let’s get you that drink.”
When they made their way back out into the living area, Yumfuck was standing on the table waving a lighter over his head, playing Stairway to Heaven. Correk was laughing, talking to George like he had known him for years. Correk had always had a way with people, never getting too nervous about starting conversations. It complimented Leira’s more introverted personality and business persona. No matter where her career took her, though, she was a cop through and through.
Marcy pointed at Yumfuck, who jumped down and lowered the volume on the music. “All right, everyone, food is ready and everyone is here, so…enjoy!”
Correk clapped his hands and strolled happily toward the kitchen, meeting up with Mary and Lily, who took his arms and walked with him. Leira smiled, feeling almost like she was at home. When everyone had filled their plates, they sat around the living room talking about everything from Yumfuck’s neighborhood watch to the local sports news. George was witty and always had a comical come back. Elijah was calmer and thoughtful, telling everyone how Yumfuck had saved him from the mugger.
Leira looked at Yumfuck and gave him a high five. The evening continued with several rousing games of cards and then Apples to Apples, which Leira had never played before. From the looks of it, though, Yumfuck had become pretty good.
“He beats us every time,” Emit grumbled. “It’s like he can see right through the cards.”
Yumfuck trilled, putting the cards back into a pile after having won two games in a row. Mary stood and clapped her hands, getting everyone’s attention. “Let’s do some magical show-and-tell!”
Everyone cooed, excited to bring some magic into the night. Mary went first, standing in the front by the DJ booth and waving her wand through the air. Butterflies emerged from the tip of her wand, landing on everyone. Wherever their magical feet touched down, flowers bloomed. It was sweet, and reminded Leira of parties back in Austin.
“All right, my turn, and I promise no insects,” George grumped.
George stood confidently at the front of the room, his chest out. He waved his wand in front of him, throwing a cascade of sparkling blue light around the room. The group gawked as the magic surrounded them, creating a universe floating above them, below them, and to each side. Yumfuck oohed as he poked his furry finger into a sparkling star by his head. Leira smiled, feeling as if she could float away into space. It was a really cool trick, and she thought about asking him to teach it to her for the next party she would go to if she ever got back to Austin to visit.
George clapped his hands and the magic dissolved, leaving them back in the living room. Everyone gave him a standing ovation, inflating his ego even further. After George sat Lily got up, walking daintily to the center of the room. She swirled her wand over her head, and a long trail of gray energy floated out like smoke. Leira narrowed her eyes, watching as the smoke began to morph into a sinuous dragon. Smoke billowed out of its nose as it glided through the air, circling everyone, letting out small flames from its nostrils. Yumfuck stretched his arm u
p to run his finger across the scales and the dragon burped, singeing the fur on the top of his head.
Everyone laughed, including Yumfuck, who patted his head, realizing that it had only been an illusion. His green tuft was still there and as bright as ever. Leira smiled and clapped for Lily as she curtsied and went back to her seat next to George. He nodded at her and kissed her on the cheek. It was a sweet gesture and warmed Leira’s heart.
George looked at Mary and grumped, “I’ll take dragons over bugs any day.”
Mary laughed and shook her head, obviously used to George’s gruff personality. Leira casually ran her hand over Correk’s. When he didn’t move an inch, she looked at him, watching the concentration moving over his face. She sighed, knowing that meant he had a call. He patted Leira’s hand and stood, clearing his throat.
“Before the next person gets started, I’m sorry, but I’m being called away. I had a wonderful time, though and very much appreciate the hospitality.”
“Thank you for coming,” Lily exclaimed, waving. “And we’ll get Leira and Yumfuck home safely.”
“Thank you very much.” He bowed.
The group waved as he created a portal and popped through, shutting it behind him. Leira grinned at the others and put her hands in her lap.
“This happens all the time. He’s like a magical firefighter—never knows when a call will come in.”
“Well, that just means we get more of you.” Marcy smiled. “Now I think it’s Yumfuck’s turn. A little birdy told me he has quite the song and dance prepared for us.”
Yumfuck jumped up, running over to the DJ table and coming back with a tall black hat. He sat down on the chair and strapped on tap shoes, looking at Leira and winking. He stood and clacked his feet against the floor, purring at the sound. He pointed to Elijah, who was standing by the stereo, and waited for the music to begin. His little feet moved quickly as he danced across the hardwood floors, swinging around the floor lamp, shaking his hat in his hands. He was a regular performer, winking at the ladies as he tapped his way across the room. He finished with a slide on his knees, waving his hat and hand wildly around.